Nonprofit Answers Podcast helps you raise more money to help more people by answering your nonprofit marketing and fundraising questions. Learn how to reach more donors with answers to your philanthropy and advancement questions. For Development Directors, Chief Development Officers, Nonprofit Leaders, Fundraisers, Marketing Managers, Major Donor Reps, and Nonprofit Board Members. Learn about monthly, annual fund, major, midlevel, grants, planned giving, direct mail, email fundraising, and more.

Friday Aug 23, 2024
047 - How Can I Get More Corporate Sponsorships for My Nonprofit?
Friday Aug 23, 2024
Friday Aug 23, 2024
In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, host Jeremy Reis jumps into the essential topic of Corporate Partnerships and how nonprofits can effectively find and secure corporate sponsors.
Corporate partnerships can significantly elevate a nonprofit’s fundraising efforts by providing financial support, increasing visibility, and enhancing credibility. Jeremy discusses key strategies, such as tailoring proposals to align with a company’s values and goals, engaging employees through volunteer days and payroll giving programs, and creating cause marketing campaigns that offer mutual benefits. He emphasizes the importance of building relationships, understanding what corporations are seeking in a nonprofit partner, and crafting proposals that resonate with their corporate social responsibility objectives.
Jeremy also shares practical tips on identifying potential corporate partners, nurturing these relationships, and developing customized campaigns that appeal to both the company’s mission and their customers. By focusing on the value your nonprofit can offer to a corporation—whether through employee engagement, brand visibility, or customer involvement—you can create impactful partnerships that drive meaningful results for both your nonprofit and the corporate sponsor. This episode is a must-listen for nonprofit professionals looking to expand their fundraising efforts through strategic corporate collaborations.

Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
046 - Should I Get a Nonprofit Fundraising Certification?
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, host Jeremy Reis explores the pros and cons of obtaining a nonprofit fundraising certification. As certifications in the nonprofit sector gain popularity, Jeremy breaks down the benefits, such as enhanced credibility, expanded knowledge, and valuable networking opportunities. He also addresses the potential downsides, including the cost, time commitment, and the gap between theory and real-world application.
Additionally, Jeremy introduces the new Certified Nonprofit Fundraising Professional (CNFP) certification, created by NonprofitFundraising.com. This certification is designed for fundraisers at all levels and covers five essential domains: Introduction to Fundraising, Donor Research and Data Management, Communication Skills, Fundraising Strategies, and Ethics and Professionalism. Priced at $199, the CNFP offers a practical and accessible way to advance your fundraising career without the drawbacks of other certifications.
Whether you’re considering a certification or looking to enhance your skills, this episode provides valuable insights to help you make an informed decision. Tune in to learn more about how the CNFP certification could be the right fit for your professional journey.

Saturday Aug 10, 2024
045 - How Do I Elevate Planned Giving Conversations?
Saturday Aug 10, 2024
Saturday Aug 10, 2024
In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, I jump into the art of planned giving conversations and how to make them more impactful and successful. Whether you're new to planned giving or looking to enhance your approach, this episode provides actionable techniques that can instantly elevate your discussions with donors.
I cover key strategies, including starting the conversation with the donor's legacy, using storytelling to illustrate impact, simplifying complex concepts, creating a sense of urgency without pressure, and the importance of follow-up. By implementing these techniques, you can build deeper relationships with your donors and help them create a lasting legacy through planned giving.
Listen now to discover how to transform your planned giving conversations and secure long-term support for your nonprofit's mission.

Tuesday May 02, 2023
044 - How do I write a fundraising strategy?
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, we explore the Three Question Fundraising Framework to help fundraisers simplify their approach to creating a successful fundraising strategy. We dive deep into each of the three questions, including donor acquisition, donor retention, and lapsed donor reactivation, and provide practical tips and insights for each area.
We discuss the importance of donor acquisition and calculating ROI, as well as specific channels for acquiring new donors, such as direct mail, radio, digital, and events. We explore key strategies for donor retention, including establishing a clear communication plan, showing appreciation for donors, and creating a culture of transparency and accountability.
We also discuss the value of reactivating lapsed donors and specific strategies for doing so, such as targeted outreach campaigns, special incentives or promotions, and addressing any concerns or issues that may have led to the lapse.
Additionally, we provide insights and tips on how to look back at your organization's history of donor acquisition to help inform your strategy moving forward. We also explore the importance of developing a fundraising calendar for the year, including how to identify key dates and events, set specific goals, and plan well-coordinated and integrated fundraising campaigns and events.
Whether you're a seasoned fundraiser or just starting out, this episode provides practical advice and insights for creating a successful fundraising strategy that enables you to raise more money to help more people.

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
043 - How do we communicate a common message in a variety of channels?
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, we explore the challenge of communicating a common message across multiple channels, such as mail, email, web, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more.
We provide eight expert tips for creating a message that resonates with your audience, including defining your target audience, starting with a clear message, tailoring your message to each channel, emphasizing the urgency, utilizing social proof, and monitoring and adjusting your message as needed.
By following these tips, you'll be able to create a compelling and impactful nonprofit fundraising campaign that inspires your audience to take action in support of your cause. Don't miss this valuable episode for fundraising professionals who want to raise more money to help more people.

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
042 - How Can Nonprofits Use Innovative Strategies to Boost Monthly Giving?
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, listeners will learn about creative approaches to monthly giving for nonprofits, including storytelling, gamification, and peer-to-peer fundraising.
The podcast covers various topics, such as how to encourage supporters to become monthly donors, how to thank and recognize monthly donors, how nonprofits can leverage technology to enhance their monthly giving programs, how to convert one-time donors into monthly donors, how storytelling can inspire and retain monthly donors, how to adapt monthly giving programs to fit the needs and preferences of different donor demographics, and how social media can be used to promote and grow monthly giving programs.
Listeners will gain practical tips and strategies to improve their monthly giving programs and build stronger relationships with their supporters.

Monday Apr 10, 2023
041 - How Do You Keep Monthly Donors Engaged and Giving?
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, we explore strategies for retaining monthly donors, including effective communication, personalized engagement, and creative recognition. We discuss the benefits of having a monthly giving program for both the nonprofit and the donor, and provide practical tips for making the process of becoming a monthly donor as easy and streamlined as possible.
We also discuss how to ensure that monthly donors stay engaged and continue giving over time, how to segment and personalize communications for monthly donors, how to address donor churn, and how to maintain the trust and transparency necessary for successful monthly giving programs. Finally, we share how nonprofits can create a sense of community and connection among their monthly donors.
Whether you're a seasoned fundraiser or just starting out, this episode provides valuable insights for anyone looking to improve their monthly giving program and build stronger relationships with their supporters.

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
040 - What are the Key Steps to Starting a Successful Monthly Giving Program?
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
In this episode, we discuss the importance of monthly giving for nonprofit fundraising, and provide practical guidance on how to start a successful monthly giving program. We cover topics such as determining the appropriate ask amount, best practices for creating and promoting the program, common obstacles to starting and growing a monthly giving program, and challenges that smaller nonprofits might face.
Join us to learn how to create a reliable and sustainable source of funding for your nonprofit and build stronger relationships with your donors.

Monday Sep 12, 2022
039 - How Do I Choose an Email Service Provider?
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
An email service provider (ESP) is a company that enables organizations to send out mass emails. If you've ever signed up for a newsletter or clicked "subscribe" to receive updates from a website, chances are you've used an ESP. In the fundraising world, ESPs are commonly used to send out donor communications, like appeals and stewardship reports.
There are a lot of ESPs on the market, which can make it difficult to decide which one is right for your organization. In this podcast, we'll break down what you should look for in an ESP and provide step by step instructions for how to select the right email service provider. By the end, you'll have a good sense of what's available and be armed with the knowledge you need to choose an ESP that's a perfect fit for your organization.

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
038 - Effective Calls to Action
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
We’ve talked at great length about the principles of good fundraising, from timing your appeal right to telling great fundraising stories. This advice will have a significant impact on your fundraising.
Unfortunately, we often overlook one sentence in your appeal or on your landing page: your call-to-action.
In this episode, Jeremy Reis explores how to write an effective call to action in your appeals, website, anywhere you're asking the reader to do something. You'll learn the secrets of compelling your reader to take action. Craft a great call-to-action in your next appeal!